Tuesday, April 15, 2014


As the Newsboys have wisely said, "God's not dead, He's surely alive, He's living on the inside." This could not have expressed better. Have all of you seen the movie "God's Not Dead?" if you haven't, go see it NOW! I have seen it three times, and it was an amazing movie. You know what else was amazing? Every time, the theater was packed with people who loved God. It was AMAZING. It is seriously a Revolution guys.... seriously. And how can you spur this Revolution whwere you are? Just keep doing what you are doing, which is loving God. Tell people about Jesus, and what He did for all of us. Use social media to spread the word. Remember, we are ALL diciples, and we have a duty to help spread His love everywhere. You won't make a global impact, and that is okay. Jesus knows that you have a strong desire to know Him, and a passion for His own word. And for that, He is going to be so proud. There are so many people who need Jesus in their lives, so go help them out! 
- Hailey

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm dying to!! It looks great, and I've heard so many good things about it. :)
