Saturday, April 12, 2014

Relationship with God Needs Proof?

Okay, so maybe in some paralell universe... The question today is: do I need to be able to prove my "religion" to someone? And if I can't, does it mean I am not a Christian? I am pretty sure each and every one of us asks ourselves this once in a while. And I'm sure that we all have had another person ask us to prove that God exists. Come on, admit it, this has happend. First of all, it's not religion... it's a RELATIONSHIP. I don't believe in God just because the Bible tells me to believe in God. I believe because I can feel God working though me. And how in the world can you prove that? If someone asks me, "Prove that God exists." What will you tell them? "I know God exists because.... um.... well He..... ummmm..." exactly. You can't right? It's like impossible. Pretend you are talking to someone who asked you that very question... exactly how would you respond? You obviously can't give a Biblical answer, so what is there to give? Nothing. You don't have to, and really can't prove your realtionship with God. That relationship is only what YOU feel, and no one else can fathom what it is or what it feels like. God isn't a person that you can bring to lunch and introduce to your friends. Lol. But you guys see what I'm saying.... Hopefully. 
- Hailey

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